As Borusan, we are realizing the “My Mom’s Job is My Future” project in cooperation with the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology to increase women employment in the industry and to support women empowerment.
In this context, we are opening nurseries and day care centers for children in the 0-6 age group, under the name “Borusan Joy Factory” in 10 organized industrial zones (OIZ) in 10 provinces. Borusan Joy Factories will facilitate the lives of women who cannot find the opportunity to work due to child care.
Rapid development of the industrial sector has an important share in making the economy of Turkey stronger. Low rate of women employment is one of the most critical issues in the development of the industry. With a rate of 24% in women employment, Turkey is one of the countries with the lowest women employment among European countries. The women employment rate in the industry sector is 15.2%.
There are many steps we have to take as a society regarding women employment. According to the Social Gender Gap Report prepared by the World Economic Forum in 2012, our country ranked 129th among 135 countries in gender inequality in terms of participation in economic life. Women labor force participation rate dropped from 34 percent to 28 percent in the last 20 years according to TurkStat data. When we examine the factors reducing women employment, we observe that child care is one of the most important reasons.
61.2 women out of every 100 women not participating in the labor force state “being a housewife” as the reason for not participating in the labor force. According to the same research, 80 percent of women would like to work if child care service is provided to their children.
When women decide to work, they are forced to take into consideration who will take care of their children at home. Insufficiency in institutionalizing child care and lack of suitable child care facilities have direct impact on the work life of women. The “My Mom’s Job is My Future” project aims to support women in participating in the labor force by focusing on child care, one of the greatest barriers against women employment.
The “My Mom’s Job is My Future” project paves the way for strengthening women, the family and the country economy by integrating more women into the work life.
Borusan Joy Factories to be established in OIZs for the education and care of children at the 0-6 age group aims to;
The support to be provided to women with the “My Mom’s Job is My Future” will further increase women employment in the business world especially in Anatolia. While women will be able to work with peace of mind, a joyful, secure and healthy educational environment will be provided to their children at the Borusan Joy Factories.
Borusan Joy Factories will be established to provide service to children at the 0-6 age group in 10 organized industrial zones in 10 provinces under the “My Mom’s Job is My Future” project.
Within the scope of the project which will continue between the years 2013 and 2017, the first Borusan Joy Factory has been opened at Adıyaman Organized Industrial Zone.
The second Borusan Joy Factory will open in September at Afyonkarahisar.
On the other hand, due to the Soma mining accident that occurred in May, Borusan decided to initiate the Borusan Joy Factory works in Balıkesir Organized Industrial Zone within this year. Priority will be given in this nursery to the children of the families affected by the accident and educational scholarship will be provided by Borusan. The project will be completed with Borusan Joy Factories to be established at Malatya, Şanlıurfa, Çorum, Karaman, Ordu-Fatsa, Mardin and Diyarbakır OIZs.
The architectural design of the Borusan Joy Factories were developed with a national architecture project competition where architects from all over Turkey can participate and which has a jury consisting of scholars and famous architects.
Realization of the “My Mom’s Job is My Future” project will contribute to increasing awareness in the public opinion regarding women employment and the economic empowerment of women through panels, seminars and workshops at the provinces of the project.
Please visit www.anneminisi.org for details about the project.