The application conditions set forth hereinafter are an integral part of the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation Regulation available at https://www.bkv.org.tr/en/scholarship-23/.
I. Qualifications required for students to be awarded a scholarship:
The following qualifications are required for students to be awarded a scholarship:
1. In order to benefit from a scholarship, it is required to be enrolled as a full-time student in an educational institution in Turkey.
2. The quota, scope and terms of the scholarships and the qualifications to be sought in the students shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
3. Scholarships shall be provided to students with a Turkish nationality, who study in Turkey.
4. Applicants must be under the age of 26 to benefit from the scholarship.
5. In order to benefit from the University Scholarship, the student must be successful and in need of financial support.
6. Being a successful student means having a GPA of at least 65 out of 100 or at least 2.50 out of 4.00.
7. In order to receive a scholarship, the student must not receive a scholarship from another institution (such as a foundation, association, individual) (except for the education loan from the Credit and Dormitories Institution and the scholarships given to students with a disability above 40% as well as Municipal and/or Alumni Association support scholarships, provided that it does not exceed the maximum monthly amount to be determined by the Foundation each year.)
8. Scholarships are non-refundable and do not impose a compulsory service or reimbursement obligation on the student.
9. The student who applies for the scholarship must submit his/her university entrance exam score, the course grades in the last academic year, and the documents to be received from the relevant school related to the registration.
II. Scholarship Application
The Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation will provide scholarships to students studying at the Faculties of Engineering, Business Administration and Economics of Istanbul University, Istanbul Technical University, Boğaziçi University and Middle East Technical University as well as the Faculty of Law of Afyon Kocatepe University. Students who enroll in these schools and have the above qualifications must apply through the online application channel. Scholarship applications shall be made through the online system, individual applications shall not be accepted.
After the interview to be held by the Foundation with the students selected through the system, they will be notified whether they have received a scholarship or not.
Scholarships granted to the students of Uludağ University Faculty of Law by the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation shall be granted to students who pass to the second year with a degree in line with the protocol principles and quota determined every year. The scholarship unit center of the faculty contacts the students who are eligible for the scholarship.
III. Conditions for Maintaining Scholarships
The requirements for maintaining the scholarship in the following year are as follows:
1. Successfully passing to a higher grade.
2. Having a GPA of at least 65 out of 100 or at least 2.50 out of 4.00.
3. Sending a copy of the report card or transcript to the Foundation by the specified date each year.
IV. Conditions for Terminating a Scholarship
In case of the occurrence of one and/or more of the following conditions, the scholarships of the scholarship holders shall be terminated:
The student shall be required to have a GPA of at least 65 out of 100 and at least 2.50 out of 4.00 in the previous year and to prove this by submitting relevant documents during the scholarship period.
1. Failing to submit the information and documents requested by the Foundation management in a timely manner,
2. Repeating a class or semester,
3. Being dismissed from the university due to reasons such as disenrollment, graduation, etc. or changing the educational institution without the approval of the Foundation’s management,
4. Notifying to the Foundation that the scholarship holder has waived the right to receive scholarship,
5. Receiving scholarships in the form of monthly cash payments from sources other than Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation while receiving a scholarship from the Foundation (except for the education loan from the Credit and Dormitories Institution and the scholarships given to students with a disability above 40% as well as Municipal and Alumni Association support scholarships, provided that it does not exceed the maximum monthly amount to be determined by the Foundation each year.),
6. Being subject to a disciplinary action due to a disgraceful offense,
7. Being convicted,
8. Making false statements for any reason whatsoever,
9. Transferring to a university other than the universities and departments for which the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation allocates scholarship quotas.
V. Scholarship Reinstatement
If the following conditions are met, the terminated scholarship shall be reinstated:
1. The scholarship holder reacquiring the right to attend school due to the termination of detention,
2. For those who fail a class or repeat a semester, moving up to a higher grade/semester in the next academic year/semester with a GPA set forth in Article 7 of the Regulation and Article 4 herein (excluding the students who have to repeat a period equal to two academic years without an excuse during their education).
3. The reinstatement of the scholarship payments due to the reasons stated in this article shall start from the beginning of the month following the date of receipt of the required information and documents by the Foundation, and no retroactive payments are made.
4. Scholarship holders with a scholarship terminated due to their cumulative GPA are re-evaluated by the Foundation Management in the next academic year, if said scholarship holders submit their applications within the application deadline determined by the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation, taking into account the principles stated at https://www.bkv.org.tr/en/scholarship-23/ and https://www.bkv.org.tr/en/application_details-24/.
VI. Scholarship Period
Scholarships are given for a period of 1 (one) year in principle. The duration of the scholarship is 12 (twelve) months, which is paid for 9 (nine) months (October-June) for high school students and 12 (twelve) months (October-September) for university students. In the following years, the scholarship holders who continue to comply with the conditions set forth in Article 3 herein maintain their scholarships and students who have the qualifications set forth in Article 1 herein are granted a scholarship.