We held the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation Scholarship Students Mentoring Project meeting with the participation of our Mentors and Mentees last Saturday. The meeting started with the training given to mentors by Ayçe Armağan Hamzaoğlu from MCT and continued with the screening of a short film depicting the life of Asım Kocabıyık whom we lost on December 28, 2012, and with the promotion film of Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation.
Following speeches of Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation Manager Nihal Alptekin and Borusan HR and 6 Sigma Assistant General Manager Semra Akman, our former Mentors and Mentees shared their experiences in the meeting where more than 100 people participated. Commemorating and mentioning her memoirs with Mr. Kocabıyık in her speech, Nihal Alptekin said: “Our most important task is to carry Borusan and the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation, the greatest heritage of Asım Kocabıyık to a future worthy of his name”.
Following her, Semra Akman said in her speech: "It is important that our scholarship students have mentors. Our mentors are not here to solve your problems but to help you draw a road map for your lives, gain different perspectives and to share their own experiences with you to be an inspiration for your own lives.”
In the one-hour free time after the meeting, our new Mentors and Mentees had the opportunity to get to know each other and have a talk.